[NEohioPAL] “Living Your Artistic Life with Smiles & Light” (with some giggles and laughter, too.)

sue johnson wakeupwithsuejohnson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 15:57:24 PDT 2020

*“Living Your Life with Smiles & Light” (with some giggles and laughter,
too.)   *

It just won't stop.  How much can the human psyche stand? As our conflict
and turmoil continue, it would be surprising if tiredness , frustration,
confusion, depression, anger, hopelessness and helplessness  didn't
describe some of the ways we're feeling as these days of a "version of
American genocide"
continue "with no end in sight."
What can we do to feel better about ourselves, family, (especially children
& elders), co-workers and the world itself?
Let's take a step back and spend some time lightening up and disengaging
from the 'chaos' of our country.
Let's refresh, renew, and revitalize our physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual energy and well-being to be able to make it through each brand
new day.

*Looking for ways to bring a little smiles & light into your daily
life?Then, try doing some of these “goofy” things just for fun.*

1.  Kiss a pig.
2.  Stand on one foot. Pat your head & rub your tummy in circles.
3. Wearing a mask infringing on your rights & liberty? You wear
clothes, don't you?. Why doesn’t wearing clothes infringe on your rights &
liberty the same way
    you say wearing masks does??  Then, go outside and dance around  on
your front lawn butt naked. Go to the grocery store butt naked.
4. Turn all the canned goods upside on the kitchen shelves.  Switch the
silverware drawer.  Put forks in spoons slot, spoons in fork slots.
     Put tablespoons in knife slots. knives in tablespoon slots.
5.  Do you sleep with a partner?  Turn the bed 'upside down.'  Tuck in the
top sheet & bedspread / quilt at the head of the bed.  Place all the pillows
     at the foot of the bed.
*                                                                    . . .
. . . . . . . *

  Save and add  these “5” earlier ways to put smiles and light into y*our
day . . .*
            1.   Stand on your head with both hands tied behind your back,
and 'burp red jelly beans.' Impossible you say?
                  Did you just smile at the absurdity of it?
            2.   Dance with your dog or cat in the bathroom, in the tub.
            3.   Put on mis-match Snoopy, Ziggy, Miss Piggy, or Garfield
socks. A different one on each foot.
                  Make them visible and wear them to the grocery store or
            4.  Got milk?  Get a straw and blow bubbles in it.  Chocolate
is even better.
            5.  Whatever you do to put smiles and light into your daily
life, do it with God.
            Note.  I use the name God.  You may prefer to use such names as
Higher Power, Allah, Yahweh, Creator, Almighty, Divine Intelligence, etc.

Save and add  these “5” earlier ways to put smiles and light into your day
. . .
1.       Put polka dots on your golf-, basket-, base-, soccer,- foot- ball.
2.       Walk like a penguin.
3.       Sit naked in the middle of a bunch of travel guides and books
 (remember them?) on far-away places you dream of going to.
4.       Look in the mirror.  Grin.  Smile. Chuckle.  Laugh.  Now, go
ahead, nobody will see you . . . giggle and blow yourself 3 kisses.
5.       Whatever you do to put smiles and light into your daily life, do
it with God.
          Note.  I use the name God.  You may prefer to use such names as
Higher Power, Allah, Yahweh, Creator, Almighty, Divine Intelligence, etc.

*. . . . . . . . . .*

Question:  Are you 30 feeling like 60? Or, 60, feeling like 30?

Then, whichever way you see yourself, add some 'Vim, Vigor & Vitality' to
your daily routine.

                1.  Be a walrus.  Stick a straw in each nostril & ear. Walk
around flapping your flippers.

                2.  Paint a picture.  Color the sky green, grass blue, the
ocean orange, with yellow polka

                     dots.  How about a purple canary?

                3.  Stick a lollipop to your nose.

                4.  Surprise your partner.  Walk up and tickle him / her
under the chin, and say,

                     *"Kitchy, Kitchy, Koo."*

                5*. * Whatever you do to be silly, be grateful and thank
God that you're able to smile, giggle

                   & laugh to ignore the "ugly" of today's world.

   "5" new creative ideas to put smiles and light into your day .

1.       Kiss a fish.

2.       Have breakfast in bed . . . at 3:00 P in the afternoon.

3.       Put on your ball gown and tennis shoes.  Put on your tux and
tennis shoes.  Dance with your partner, or alone in the living room,

        or your front porch.

4.       Have a bubble gum-blowing contest with your partner, your kids, or
your parents and grandparents.

5.       Whatever you do to put smiles and light into your daily life, do
it with God.

Note.  I use the name God.       You may prefer to use such names as Higher
Power, Allah, Yahweh, Creator, Almighty, Divine Intelligence,

          * . . . . . . . . . .*
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