[NEohioPAL] TOUCH by Rachel Zake - Thu, Oct 15 @ 7pm

Playwrights Local playwrightslocal at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 07:05:08 PDT 2020

Playwrights Local Presents

A Free Zoom Reading of a New Play


Written by Rachel Zake

Directed by Greg Vovos

Thursday, October 15 at 7:00 pm

Presented Online via Zoom




Sara Bogomolny
Laurel Williamson
Harper Case
Kennetha Martin
Ursula Freundlich
Chris Ross
Neda Spears
Madison Ellis
Dionne Atchison
Amy Schwabauer


Touch follows nine people’s experiences from the onset of COVID-19 through
the initial reopening of their city. Their tales, though seemingly
disparate, are woven together as the show progresses. This one-act play is
told through a series of vignettes.


Rachel Zake is a writer, actor, and director. A native of Cleveland, Ohio
and a graduate of Boston University, Rachel used her degree in advertising
and psychology for a few years before moving to Madrid and traveling the
world. She landed in LA in 2010 to pursue her first love, acting, before
stumbling into published writing. Rachel has published three books: Two
People are Coming out of a Building (2014, fiction), The Nomad Diaries
(2017, nonfiction), and Pants Off/Dance Off: A Gentleman’s Guide (2019,
nonfiction). Rachel is a member of Dobama Theatre’s Playwrights GYM and her
plays have been seen onstage at Playwrights Local and other local venues.
Rachel has been acting for over 27 years on stage and is a member of
SAG-AFTRA, having appeared in many TV shows, films, and commercials. She
also served as Director of Playmakers Youth Theatre in Beachwood, OH for
approximately four years. Rachel proudly serves on the Hathaway Brown
Alumnae Committee.

Playwrights Local is a theater company in Cleveland. As a playwrights’
center, our goal is to provide a home for dramatic writing in Northeast
Ohio. We offer classes and workshops, produce original plays, provide
networking opportunities, and engage the community through outreach
projects. Learn more about programs such as our
Roundtable Series
<http://www.playwrightslocal.org/fall-roundtable-series-2020/> and our
annual Open Call for Submissions
<http://www.playwrightslocal.org/submissions/> at
http://playwrightslocal.org/. Make your tax-deductible contributions to our
501(c)(3) group at http://www.playwrightslocal.org/donate/.
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