[NEohioPAL] This Weekend! Shadow Of The Run's TORSO BOOK CLUB Headlines Dobama Theatre Immersive Festival

Shadow of the Run shadowoftherun at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 10:53:30 PDT 2020

 *ZOOM, Ohio – October 2020* – After selling out the entire run and two
extensions, *THE TORSO BOOK CLUB* will be remounted for eleven performances
STORY *will play in repertory with several other online immersive theatre
works in a new festival shepherded by Dobama Theatre.

*THE TORSO BOOK CLUB* is a short-term installation, or “pop up” theater
production with limited tickets, will be held online via ZOOM. All proceeds
of the original production were donated to Cleveland local artists that had
been affected by the economic devastation that Covid-19 has had on the Arts
Community and raised over $5,000 for Cleveland Local artists. Tickets for
the upcoming remount are $15 – each ticket accommodates one screen or
device and allowing for up to two people per Screen. Performances will
happen over Zoom. *Tickets can be purchased at **www.shadowoftherun.com*


YOU are cordially invited to a meeting of *The **TORSO** Book Club*. Your
host is Carter Grant. Carter chose the graphic novel Torso: A True Crime
Graphic Novel by Brian Michael Bendis. This true crime story is set in
Elliot Ness era Cleveland, Ohio and is based on one of the country’s most
notorious serial killings. The discussion should be robust. It should be
noted: *the best laid plan for any book club is usually upended by its own
members *AND, as is the case with most book clubs, actually reading the
book is *NOT *as important as bringing a favorite beverage and a little
gossip. *The **TORSO** Book Club *is an immersive theatrical performance.
Your participation is encouraged at any level you feel comfortable.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Book Club this weekend!

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