[NEohioPAL] Dept of Dance at CWRU announces AY 2020-21 performance series Nouveaux Espaces

CWRU Dept of Dance dancepr at case.edu
Wed Oct 14 11:19:38 PDT 2020

The Department of Dance at Case Western Reserve University is pleased to
announce their AY 2020-2021 performance season, Nouveaux Espaces.
Encompassing new works by faculty, MFA thesis candidates, as well as senior
capstones and the long-running Mather Dance Collective (MaDaCol), Nouveaux
Espaces will showcase the department’s exploration of new approaches to
creating and presenting dance, an opportunity necessitated by the global
pandemic. These works will premiere throughout the fall and spring
semesters in a series of ‘events’, to be presented through the department’s
YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrHSOF-J0QLpse-RiPjcPcQ)

More information about these projects and other upcoming events can be
found at the department’s website (dance.case.edu) as well Facebook (
facebook.com/cwrudance <https://www.facebook.com/CWRUDance>)
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