[NEohioPAL] ORMACO Open House- Sunday, Oct. 18 from 2-4 pm.

Thomas Sigel tsigel at sigelpress.com
Fri Oct 16 06:32:23 PDT 2020

Join Ohio Regional Music Arts and Cultural Outreach (ORMACO) for an Open
House at its new home- 8187 Camp Road, Homerville, OH 44235 on Sunday,
October 18 from 2-4 pm. Enjoy the Homerville All String Band as they
perform bluegrass, country and folk favorites on the back deck. Bring your
lawn chairs. Stroll around the pond and grounds and see what’s instore for
ORMACO as it enters its second decade. This is a free socially distanced
event, but donations are welcomed. For more information, call the new
number 419-853-6016 or email tsigel at ormaco.org.

This socially distanced event requires people to wear face masks.
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