[NEohioPAL] Radio recitals

Terry Smith tsmith at actingbuff.com
Fri Nov 6 11:22:21 PST 2020

Please post on NEOHIOPAL. Thank you.

I recently found out my proposal for a radio show of my own has been
approved. To kick it off, join this Sunday, November 8th, from 6-7PM, on AM
1420, or listen live at whkradio.com.
The shows will consist of 'guests' such as Patrick Henry, Jefferson,
Washington, Douglass, Lincoln, Churchill, FDR, Patton, JFK, RFK, MLK,
Reagan; Gehrig, Lombardi, Ali, and others, with a dash of Shakespeare for
good measure.
I will give a short intro to each memorized speech, then transition to the
next speech with just a few measures of music I will be playing live on my
digital piano in studio.
Title of the show: One to Many - No Dupes
The theme of the shows is Freedom - works by men and women who fight for
it, with sword and with pen, what we do with our freedom (business, sports,
arts, lifestyle), and what it's like NOT to have it (Douglass). Great words
that apply in all ages. See how one person can influence many others and
vice versa.
Gather your spouse, kids, grandkids, and friends round the radio for a shot
of Patriotism, to see where we've been but more importantly to use the
ideas presented to affect the future. Tune in.

*Terry Smith*

 tsmith at actingbuff.com
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