[NEohioPAL] Peter Lawson Jones & "Chicago Fire" Schedule Change

sue johnson wakeupwithsuejohnson at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 18:00:04 PST 2021

Hello, Family, Friends and Colleagues . . .

We probably learned a great deal about *patience *(or, maybe we didn't)
throughout 2020.
Well. it looks like we're still dealing with *patience* as we start 2021.
NBC has now rescheduled the episode of "Chicago Fire," featuring Peter
Lawson Jones, a third time.

*So, let's plan to tune in, Wed. 1/27/21, 9:00 P*. NOT Wed. 1/13, NOT Wed.
Please contact all your social media contacts to let them know about the
schedule change.
For those who believe in the power of prayer, please pray that NBC doesn't
change the show,* again*.

Looking forward to "One of Our Own" being showcased on national TV.
(And, don't forget to check out the Marathon Oil commercial with Peter and
his wife, Lisa, at the gas station and in the cool red convertible.)

Sue Johnson

Director, Wake Up And Live's Actors Studio

Producer, "Wake Up And Live With the Arts"

wakeupandlives at gmail.com
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