[NEohioPAL] This Week @Imposters Theater - The Joy of Everything Improv Workshop with Deena Nyer Mendlowitz & More!

Imposters Comedy imposterscomedy at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 12:29:09 PDT 2021

*This Week @Imposters Theater*
Sign up for our email newsletter here
*The Imposters Sketch Show Episode 3*
Thursday 06/24 8pm
Watch the Episode 3 premiere live on our YouTube channel! This episode
features Cam Godfrey, Rachel Javorsky, Meg Martinez, Mackenzie Maguire,
Alex Cantrell, & Ryan Santa. Make sure you subscribe while you're there.
*The Improv Workout with Michael Busch*
Friday 06/25 6:30pm-8:30pm
Designed for intermediate to advanced level improvisers to provide a space
to get back into the swing of things. Each week we’ll do a warm-up, one new
skill exercise, followed by longform sets with feedback from the
instructor. Sign up for one week or all the weeks!
*Imposters Improv Play Lab - An Improv Jam*
Saturday 06/26 2-3:30pm
The Imposters Improv Play Lab is an inclusive space for anyone looking to
expand their creativity. Improv comedy is the foundation we use to explore
how much we can make using nothing but our bodies and imagination. Whether
you are new to improv or have been in a troupe since the dawn of Chicago,
the Play Lab is a space for us to meddle with our funny.

Hosted by Scott Shepard, Alex Heckman, Dionne Atchison

*The Joy of Everything Workshopwith Deena Nyer Mendlowitz*
Sunday 06/27 2-4pm
Improviser and food television enthusiast Deena Nyer Mendlowitz will share
her Unified Cooking Show Theory of Improv and illustrate its lessons
through targeted exercises and scene work that will get you out of your
head and into your joy while reminding you: you already have all the
ingredients you need to crush it on the stage.
*Have questions about any of the classes, workshops, or events? Reply to
this email and we're happy to help!*
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