[NEohioPAL] Creative House Studios - FREE MONOLOGUE SHOOT DAY!

Liz Conway liz at creativehousestudios.com
Tue Jun 22 08:33:51 PDT 2021

*Actors - This one's for you! *

Creative House Studios and NEOhioLife are teaming up to host a fun day at
CHS. We want to hear from you about all of the best things that Northeast
Ohio has to offer! From nightlife to kids activities to seasonal favorites
- we want to know all the top spots around NEO!

What do you get in return? A FREE, high quality, video recording of your

With many auditions still operating virtually, there is no time like the
present to get your monologue on tape. A professionally recorded video will
help you stand out to casting directors and agents!

You can sign up for a time slot here
<https://calendly.com/liz-374/free-monologue-shoot-day-chs>. Sessions will
be booked in 20 minute slots, and must be booked in advance. This 20 minute
time slot includes time for a few takes of your monologue, and time for us
to ask you big important questions, like “Where is the best place to get a

(Unedited video footage will be shared via dropbox.)

The Details:

Who: You, a local, Cleveland Actor!

What: Free Monologue Recording Session, Booked in 20 minute blocks.

Where: Creative House Studios, 1419 E 40th Street, Cleveland OH 44103

When: Tuesday, June 29th 10am-7pm

Have any questions? Feel free to email at info at creativehousestudios

Creativehousestudios.com  <http://creativehousestudios.com/>

Sign up Here! <https://calendly.com/liz-374/free-monologue-shoot-day-chs>
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