[NEohioPAL] Kids Film & Sketch Comedy Programs Now Enrolling!

Lakewood Young Filmmakers Academy lakewoodyfa at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 06:43:41 PDT 2021

As seen on PBS <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGM7AhqgyLk>, the award
winning Lakewood Young Filmmakers Academy is now enrolling for our fall
programs. With the popular summer camp session completely full, we are
offering early enrollment to our fall session with not one but two classes.

This 8 week session is a comprehensive film studies program specifically
designed for kids and teens ages 10-17. Movies are an important part of our
lives and more and more kids are becoming interested in how they are made.
LYFA's eight week program is designed to give your child a crash course in
how to create professional movies from start to finish. From screenwriting
to lighting and sound, to camera work to editing, our award winning
instructors will guide your child through the creative process and onto a
journey of artistic expression using the cinematic arts.
*ENROLL TODAY AT: *https://www.lakewoodyfa.com/classes


In this course we will cover different sketch formats, working in a writers
room, pitching your ideas confidently, and revising a final script. This
class is for kids and teens ages 12-17 who love to make people smile.

Instructor Eric Swinderman studied at the world famous Second City and is
an Emmy nominated TV and Film writer and director. Through his experiences
working with various groups and shows, you'll learn the craft of sketch
comedy writing and "what makes something funny?"

The 5 week class includes 4 weeks of writing and rehearsal and culminates
in a live performance of the class work.

ENROLL TODAY AT: https://www.lakewoodyfa.com/sketch-comedy-class

LYFA is like no other program in the region. Big things are happening at
our studio. Our kids' films are winning awards at film festivals all over
the world. Join us and see what all the buzz is about. Check out this story
from PBS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGM7AhqgyLk
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