[NEohioPAL] Contemporary Dance Company Auditions

Anna Cerveny clevelanddanceproject at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 13:11:58 PDT 2021

Cleveland Dance Project Company is a 501c3 nonprofit contemporary fusion
dance company, seeking dancers for our 2021-2022 season, both short term
contracts (July-Dec) and long term contracts (July-June). Dancers must be
18+ and have strong technical foundations in ballet, jazz, and contemporary
styles as well as proficiency in commercial styles.

Our mission is to provide artistic opportunities to the professional adult
dancer in an inclusive environment that promotes an integrative approach to
wellness. We prioritize our dancers' physical and mental health, while
creating works that engage our audiences, promote movement for health, and
educate the community to spark thoughtful engagement.
*Company members receive injury prevention screens, cross training &
company class, optional monthly sessions with company physical therapist,
headshots & dance shots, free CDP showcase tuition & master classes, as
well as paid performance & outreach opportunities.*
Apprentices receive company class, injury screens and cross training,
headshots/danceshots, and CDP master classes, plus discounted CDP tuition
and PT sessions. Apprentices should be committed to expanding their dance
training through company rehearsal/class times each week, including CDP
master classes, and if asked, be available for any potential
performances/community outreach, and volunteer work for CDP/CDP Company
Company members & apprentices must be available on Sundays from 1-4pm for
rehearsal, as well as be willing to devote another 1.5 hours/week to cross
training activities (most likely Friday evening or Saturday afternoon)
Auditions are Sunday July 18 from 2-4pm at Above The Barre on 1450 W Bagley
Rd, Berea. Pre-registration required at
www.clevelanddanceproject.com/proauditions. All attendees will have the
option to receive feedback from our judging panel after the audition.

Anna Cerveny
Cleveland Dance Project
clevelanddanceproject at gmail.com
web <http://www.clevelanddanceproject.com> / facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/clevelanddanceproject>/ instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/clevelanddanceproject/?hl=en> / Dance With Us
<http://www.clevelanddanceproject.com/s7auditions> / Pro Company
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