[NEohioPAL] LAST weekend for The Exonerated at Beck Center

Julie Gilliland jgilliland at beckcenter.org
Mon Nov 1 07:38:16 PDT 2021

Beck Center produces docu-drama The Exonerated, running until THIS Sunday, November 7, 2021
This docu-drama recounts first-person narratives in dramatic form through the legal records of six wrongly convicted inmates. The accounts of the falsely-accused explore these people's lives after being sentenced to death, and the legal proceedings that gained their exoneration. Stay to experience a post-show discussion with a representative from The Ohio Innocence Project and an exoneree on Oct. 22nd, Oct. 29th, or Nov. 7th. For more information on this production please visit beckcenter.org.<https://www.beckcenter.org/shows/exonerated>

Please note that to attend the Senney and Studio Theaters you must wear a mask the entire time you are inside a Beck Center building, and present a vaccine card and/or a recent negative COVID test, along with your ID. For more information please visit beckcenter.org.<https://beckcenter.squarespace.com/new-page-1>

Beck Center's Cultural Heritage Exhibition & Experience, A Display of Visual Arts, Running Now to November 15, 2021
Beck Center for the Arts<https://www.beckcenter.org> unveiled a new visual arts exhibition created by local regional talents that is a feast for the senses. In collaboration with TRANSIT ARTS<https://transitarts.com/>, a program of Central Community House<https://www.cchouse.org/>, some pieces on display are even available for purchase at Customer Service inside Beck Center's main building. An annual event, this Cultural Heritage Exhibition & Experience 2021 features paintings and drawings by Lawrence Baker<http://canjournal.org/2019/08/metamorphosis-the-art-and-life-of-lawrence-baker/>, Richard Duarte Brown<https://transitarts.com/transit-arts-team>, Malik Carrington<https://transitarts.com/transit-arts-team>, and Katerina Armeria<https://www.columbusmakesart.com/artist/1053-katerina-harris/>, and would not be possible without the generous funding by The Gund Foundation<https://gundfoundation.org/>. This exhibition is free, open to the public, and appropriate for all ages. To view the gallery of this work, please visit Beck Center's Jean Bulicek Galleria in the main building on the campus in Lakewood. Sales are arranged through Customer Service in person or at 216.521.2540 x10. Beck Center Customer Service is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM to 10:30 PM, Sat 9:00 AM to 10:30 PM and during matinee hours on Sundays when a show is in performance. To enjoy these art pieces digitally, please visit Beck Center Facebook Album<https://www.facebook.com/beckcenter/photos/?ref=page_internal>. For more information on this exhibition please visit beckcenter.org<https://www.beckcenter.org/events>. To find out more about Beck Center visual arts classes for all ages please visit beckcenter.org<https://www.beckcenter.org/education/visual-arts>.

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