[NEohioPAL] 2 teen males, 20-something female neeeded for Healthy Choices video

Cherie McClain SKINYBEE at msn.com
Mon Nov 1 16:36:05 PDT 2021

The Alliance for Healthy Youth has an immediate need to fill 3 roles for a short video that will be filmed 12/4/21 in Akron. The roles needed include:

2 males (15-16 yrs)--1 African American or Biracial and 1 Caucasian to play high school students.
1 female (Mid-late 20's)--Any ethnicity to play a somewhat cheesy fictitious game show co-host.

Produced by: Alliance for Healthy Youth
Shoot date: December 4, 2021 (1 Day)
Location of filming: Akron, Ohio
Minors will need parental permission to sign on.
Please request sides and character breakdowns from: cbiddle at all4youth.org

Thank you!

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