[NEohioPAL] voice acting training

Colors Audio colorsaudio at neohio.twcbc.com
Mon Feb 21 07:58:41 PST 2022


If you're serious about taking up the craft of voice acting, consider enrolling in our class, Voice Acting Fundamentals.

You'll be coached by a working voice actor with 30 years' experience.  You'll learn in an actual commercial studio <http://www.colorsaudio.com/>.  And we'll keep the class small, to give you more time "on the mic."

What will you learn?

I believe that the primary challenge for the voice actor is the same as for any actor: "How do I become the person who must say these words?"

The voice actor must solve this puzzle without much help, and almost no time.

Untrained people tend to put a lot of effort into the voice.  I show students that the real work comes earlier, in the mind and emotions.  That work is harder.  But it can produce a genuine performance, as opposed to mere mimicry.

There's no magic formula; only insights and techniques.  And a trick or two.

Voice Acting Fundamentals is a performance class.  Other important voiceover matters like running a business, setting up a home studio, marketing, finding an agent, etc., won't be covered.  You can always ask about those things in our free LinkedIn discussion group, neoVo <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12058620/>.

We'll focus mainly on commercials and eLearning, with a light touch on character/animation. 

Class details:

10 hours of instruction and coaching.  We'll meet Saturdays from 2 to 4pm, from March 5 through April 2, at the Colors Audio studios <http://www.colorsaudio.com/map-directions> in Akron.

The cost is $600 (plus tax for Ohio residents - total $640.50).

To register, or to ask a question, please email Dan Popp at colorsaudio at neo.rr.com.

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