[NEohioPAL] Berko review: ANTIGONE @ Cleveland Play House

Roy Berko royberko at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 08:15:40 PDT 2022


*Capsule judgment:  ANTIGONE, as adapted by Emily Mann, carries as
important a message of the rejection or blind acceptance of the authority
of civic and religious customs and leaders today as it did when the Greek
Sophocles wrote the script in the fifth-century BC.  The CPH production was
often successful, at other times inconsistent.*

*To read the entire review go to:  *https://royberkinfo.blogspot.com/  *To
read the capsule judgements of the other Cleveland reviewers go to:  *
*www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com* <http://www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com/>
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