[NEohioPAL] Roberts/Michalski/Jecman scripts

John Roberts john.d.roberts21 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 11:14:16 PDT 2022

My name is Jack Roberts and I have returned to Northeast Ohio after being
in Florida for the past twelve years. Many of you remember Bruce Michalski
and I have ownership of several of his original scripts: Dracula the
Comedy,Christmas Tree Review, and Tom Sawyer's World. You may remember that
David Jecman and I wrote the musical Ebenezer and that show is
available also. In addition, Mr. Jecman's A Tale of Two Cities is
available. If anyone is interested in any of these shows, I may be reached
at 440-935-9520 or at john.d.roberts21 at gmail.com. In addition, I am
available to direct and.or musical direct shows. I am excited to be back in
Northeast Ohio and hope to hear from you soon.
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