[NEohioPAL] Kennelly Review: Antigone at CPH

Laura Kennelly lkennelly at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 18:38:57 PDT 2022

Sophocles’ *Antigone* (c. 441 BC), now at the Outcalt Theatre in Playhouse
Square, is a humbling reminder that human societies still have not become
perfect. Director Lauren Keating makes this clear in the current Cleveland
Play House presentation.

Originally planned for 2020, the production shut down after the Covid
outbreak. As CPH Artistic Director Laura Kepley wrote in the program notes,
the tragic story turned out to be unexpectedly timely this year when the
Ukraine/Russia conflict erupted: “The decision to bring *Antigone* back was
one of the easiest decisions ever, because we knew the story was only going
to get more relevant. We just couldn’t imagine how relevant.”
For the rest, see
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