[NEohioPAL] Accompanist/Pianist Needed

Sam Kitzler sammyk762 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 14:56:31 PDT 2022


New Horizons Christian Church

290 Darrow Rd.

Akron, OH  44305

(330) 733-3533

NHCC is looking for a collaborative pianist for Sunday morning worship
services. They will work with our co-music directors, cantor, and pastoral
staff in providing accompaniment for hymns and occasional special music.
Our music and technical team is flexible and collaborative, and works
together to make sure the elements of our music, audio-visual system, and
recording/streaming are all in place for every service.


   Sunday services run from 10:45 to ~11:45 with prep/rehearsal time prior
   to that from 10:00 to 10:30, and the sanctuary is available earlier for

   Additional rehearsal time only as needed (decided/scheduled by the whole

   Schedule and responsibilities are flexible and negotiable:

      2 to 4 Sundays per month

      Possibly recording some parts for off-weeks

      Option of helping to choose hymns or special music

      Option of helping with AV setup (sound system, PowerPoint, etc)

      $80-100 per Sunday (depending on exact responsibilities)

   Music ranges from standard hymns to more contemporary praise choruses.

   Accompanist typically plays the baby grand piano, but organ and
   electronic keys are available.

   Ability to read chords and wholly improvise parts is not required. Some
   ability to take liberties and edit parts on the fly is needed, however.

   Ability to work with sound system and recording equipment is a plus, but
   is not required.

We would love to work with any other musical abilities or expertise you
might bring to the table: other instruments/singing, composing/arranging,
recording, etc. We are very flexible - the co-music directors add drum set,
acoustic/electric/bass guitars, keyboards, wind instruments, or sing,
depending on the music.

Please contact Rev. Ali Miguel (ali.miguel at yahoo.com) for more information.
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