thsthingovourz at aol.com thsthingovourz at aol.com
Sun Mar 20 02:07:07 PDT 2022

I am casting 4 adult males and one female early 20s for voiced characterroles in an upcoming cutting-edge “audio” horror novel. Therewill be no memorization required for this open book recording session to beheld on Sunday March 27th from 3:00 PM until around 7:00 PM inCleveland Ohio. This an opportunity to be part of an amazing venture which willbe brand new to the ears in a way that captivates the listeners with every word uttered. 

 I will not sugar coat this so I’llbe upfront and let you know that there will be no payment rendered for thissession at this time. However, you will get credits in liner notes and in allof our media outlets pertaining to your scene(s). In addition to that, food andsoft beverages will be provided. Still with me? Fine, let us move on

Age range: 20s to early 60s Requirements

 1.    A New England dialect is a plus butnot a deal breaker

2.    Articulation and the ability to readwell in the character you’ll portray are a must

3.    This is a team effort therefore youwill need to be able to play well with others.

4.    This is a professional venture thereforewe ask that you act accordingly by being punctual

5.    Some language is very graphic so youmust be OK with profanity

6.    Phone number: I want to hear yourvoice as opposed to a text. Because these are audio roles, a good portion ofyour audition will be over the phone with a minimal virtual meeting via googlehang outs or zoom shortly after for the round of casting.

7.    The last thing required is that yourealize this experience is not an ordeal, it’s a fun way to express yourself byentertaining the world with your performance.

8.    Please message me back with contact number if interestedso that we can begin the process of your audition.

9.   You must be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement/gag order and release form prior to your audition
I thank you for your time and breaka leg! Sincerely

Billy Wa
Casting Director
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