[NEohioPAL] LOG CABIN now opens THURSDAY May 26th at convergence-continuum

Cory Molner cmolner at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 23 17:31:24 PDT 2022

Convergence-continuum continues its 2022 season with the Regional Premiere of Log Cabin, by Jordan Harrison.

It’s a faraway age of hope and inclusivity; in other words, it’s 2015. When a tight-knit circle of married gays and lesbians – comfy in the new mainstream – see themselves through the eyes of their rakish transgender pal, it’s clear that the march toward progress is anything but unified. With stinging satire and acute compassion, Jordan Harrison’s pointed comedy charts the breakdown of empathy that happens when we think our rights are secure, revealing conservative hearts where you’d least expect.


"A hot-button gay-versus-trans comedy."- The New York Times


"Examines our impulse to slam the door behind us just as we cross the threshold of privilege.-"Theatremania


Log Cabin is directed by Eva Nel Brettrager and Cory Molner and features actors Isaiah Betts, Samantha Cocco, Carolyn Demanelis, Emmett Podgorski, Lucy Turner, and Scott Zolkowski. Intimacy Direction by Kari Barclay. Scenic Design by August Scarpelli. Lighting and Sound Design by Austin Hopson. Costume Design by Amanda Rowe Van Allen.

Log Cabin opens Thursday, May 26th and runs Thu-Sat at 8 p.m. through June 11 at convergence-continuum’s Liminis Theater, 2438 Scranton Rd., Cleveland, OH 44113 in the historic Tremont neighborhood. Tickets are $23 general admission, $18 for seniors and $18 for students. Tickets and information are available at www.convergence-continuum.org and 216-687-0074 or LOG CABIN by Jordan Harrison

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LOG CABIN by Jordan Harrison

It’s a faraway age of hope and inclusivity; in other words, it’s 2015. When a tight-knit circle of married gays ...



Cory MolnerExecutive Artistic Director, convergence-continuum Theater(He/Him/His)

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