[NEohioPAL] Adult dance technique classes

Anna Cerveny clevelanddanceproject at gmail.com
Tue May 24 16:29:24 PDT 2022

Are you an adult looking for a weekly dance class to get you moving or get
back to your basics of technique from years ago? Check out Cleveland Dance
Project's Summer Series! With 4 new classes in May/June open to drop ins,
and 4 additional classes in July/August (TBA!)

*Mondays -* All level heels with Arielle Strosser, 8-9pm @ Above The Barre,
*Tuesdays *- Basics Modern with Jessica "DiBa" Bennett, 8-9pm @ Dance
Studio M, Solon
*Wednesdays *- Int/Adv Contemporary with Makenna Liller, 7:30-8:30pm @
Charlotte Braun, Parma
*Thursdays *- Basics Hip Hop with Danielle Rojas, 6:30-7:30pm @ Cleveland
Dance Academy, Strongsville

All classes are $15 each for drop in, and open to adults over 18. Register
at www.clevelanddanceproject.com/technique. Email us with questions.
Hope to see you in class!

Anna Cerveny
Cleveland Dance Project
clevelanddanceproject at gmail.com
web <http://www.clevelanddanceproject.com> / facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/clevelanddanceproject>/ instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/clevelanddanceproject/?hl=en> / Pro Company
<http://clevelanddanceproject.com/company> / Showcase
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