[NEohioPAL] One More Reminder of CPH's Fire Sale!

Erin Ocampo eocampo at clevelandplayhouse.com
Thu May 26 06:05:21 PDT 2022

Due to some limitations put on Cleveland Play House's props storage by the fire marshal, we're getting rid of some of our stock, mostly furniture. What's left right now is plenty of theatrical fridges, some couches, desks, tables, and chairs, which will require some love to come back to life. Take it for yourself, your theatre, upcycling, anything you can think of. It's all free, but we are accepting donations that will go towards improving our storage.

Feel free to stop by the Production Center (7401 Detour Avenue) from 10am to 3pm today and Friday (May 26th and 27th) to take a look. Please bring transportation, as we will be opening this up to the community the following week. Check in when you arrive with Reynard in the front office and he will show you back to where we have everything.

Erin Ocampo

Associate Prop Shop Supervisor
Cleveland Play House
1901 E. 13th Street, Suite 200
Cleveland, OH  44114

(c) 440.532.3933 (w) 216.862.5445 x6

eocampo at clevelandplayhouse.com<mailto:kmoore at clevelandplayhouse.com>

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