[NEohioPAL] Seeking female presenting person of color for immediate role.at convergence-continuum

Cory Molner cmolner at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 29 08:42:54 PDT 2022

convergence-continuum is seeking a female of color for an IMMEDIATE need to fill a role in the upcoming production of Angry F*gs. 

Role is a republican state senatorial candidate who is seeking election against a lesbian incumbent. She is powerful and fierce and knows how to game the system. Role age is 40-50 suggested but can be cast younger or older. 

Rehearsals are starting 5/31 so we are looking to cast immediately. Show runs July 8th through 30th, Thursday  through Saturdays. Compensation for the show is $400. 

Please email szolkowski at gmail.com if interested.

Cory Molner
Executive Director, convergence-continuum
Cmolner at convergence-continuum.org

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