[NEohioPAL] Summer stitcher/wardrobe

mark kobak markkobak at gmail.com
Sun May 29 03:02:52 PDT 2022

 Hello, I am searching for 3 stitcher/wardrobe folks who are looking for a
summer gig.
The theater is on Cape Cod and it's 9 productions.  The job begins 6/6.
Fee, room, meals are provided. If you are interested please send me your
resume and info about viewing your portfolio. More info to follow.

Mark Kobak
Markkobak at gmail.com
216 346 4762

On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 8:56 AM mark kobak <markkobak at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I am searching for 3 stitcher/wardrobe folks who are looking for a
> summer gig.
> The theater is on Cape Cod and it's 9 productions.  The job begins 6/6.
> Fee, room, meals are provided. If you are interested please send me your
> resume and info about viewing your portfolio. More info to follow.
> Mark Kobak
> www.markkobak.com
> Markkobak at gmail.com
> 216 346 4762
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/markkobak/
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