[NEohioPAL] Berko review: WEST SIDE STORY @ Porthouse

Roy Berko royberko at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 13:29:34 PDT 2022


*Capsule judgment:  WEST SIDE STORY is near the top of my list of all-time
great musicals. The creative choreography and solid character development
of the Porthouse production did nothing to dissuade my love for the show.
Bravo!!!  I look forward to more shows produced by the Terri Kent
and Martin Céspedes dynamic duo!*

*To read the entire review go to:  *https://royberkinfo.blogspot.com/  *To
read the capsule judgements of the other Cleveland reviewers go to:  *
*www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com* <http://www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com/>

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