[NEohioPAL] Tune in to See Anna Cerveny, Exec Dir. Cleveland Dance Project on 'Wake Up to the Arts"

sue johnson wakeupwithsuejohnson at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 14:41:21 PDT 2023

*See  Anna Cerveny, Cleveland Dance Project  *

*“Healing Arts”**  YouTube Video*

 https://youtu.be/p8yn6zIMoh <https://youtu.be/p8yn6zIMohI>


*“Wake Up to Healing Arts: Using Performance and Media*


*Direction, Hope, Health, and Total Well-being, 2.0”*

 See YouTube Videos Showing how the roles of medical health organizations
and Performing Artists Help Soothe and Heal Mental Health Challenges,
experienced by men, women, teens and children.

Anna shares the joy, beauty and healing her dance company provides through
her adult dancers who showcase

the amazing dances which help individuals feel better about their mental
health challenges.

Anna discusses how her profession as a physical therapist blends therapy
and dance. Consequently, Anna explains the power of "mindfulness" which
anyone can easily practice for a few moments to ease whatever mental or
physical pain they are experiencing

*See Anna Cerveny:  https://youtu.be/p8yn6zIMohI

1. *Seeking Serenity *- This piece is an introspective look at today's busy
culture tendencies and the toll that being constantly busy is taking on our
mental health. We explore the dissonance between societal praise for the
constant drive to succeed, and the resulting anxiety disorders that can
plague us behind closed doors. This project aims to normalize self care,
and recognize the beauty in pause. We encourage you to take a deep breath,
and identify where in your own life you need to reflect and reprioritize.
*Cleveland Dance Project:   https://youtu.be/nzjzym3mbYE

2.* Drowning *- This piece is dedicated to everyone who has ever fought a
silent battle. Depression can reach anyone and everyone. You are not alone,
and we are grateful you are here with us today.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or a mental health
crisis, please reach out for help. Here are some outlets:

Cleveland Dance Project:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3S-gmhlpyI

Sue Johnson, SAG/AFTRA

Director, Wake Up And Live's Actors Studio (WUAL)

Producer, "Wake Up And Live With the Arts"

wualstudio at gmail.com


Judy Allen


Excellence Zone Marketing, Owner

jallen3778 at gmail.com

Major Gwen Boleware

USAF (Ret)

Asst. Coordinator

gboleware at gmail.com
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