[NEohioPAL]Musical Theater Audition Workshop

Adina Bloom AdinaBloom at att.net
Sat Oct 13 14:02:01 PDT 2001

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Adina R. Bloom, Equity actress, singer and vocal coach, will be offering =
a Musical Theater Audition Workshop on Saturday, December 1st and =
Saturday December 8th from 1-5 pm. The dates and times are flexible, if =
need be. Topics to be covered in the workshop will include stress =
management, or, "how to go to a singing audition without feeling like =
throwing up", choosing and cutting audition material, approaching songs =
like monologues, lyric interpretation and some tips on breathing and =
vocal placement. Participants will have several opportunities to work on =
and present audition pieces and even get a chance to rehearse scenarios =
such as "auditioning with the accompanist from hell" and "staying =
focused while the auditors eat Big Macs as I sing." For further =
information or to reserve a spot in the workshop, please contact Adina =
by e-mail at AdinaBloom at att.net or call her at (216)382-8550.

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<P>Adina R. Bloom, Equity actress, singer and vocal coach, will be =
offering a=20
Musical Theater Audition Workshop on Saturday, December 1<SUP>st</SUP> =
Saturday December 8<SUP>th</SUP> from 1-5 pm. The dates and times are =
if need be. Topics to be covered in the workshop will include stress =
or, "how to go to a singing audition without feeling like throwing up", =
and cutting audition material, approaching songs like monologues, lyric=20
interpretation and some tips on breathing and vocal placement. =
Participants will=20
have several opportunities to work on and present audition pieces and =
even get a=20
chance to rehearse scenarios such as "auditioning with the accompanist =
hell" and "staying focused while the auditors eat Big Macs as I sing." =
further information or to reserve a spot in the workshop, please contact =
by e-mail at AdinaBloom at att.net or call her at=20


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