[NEohioPAL]Important Message to AOL subscribers of NEohioPAL

FredSternfeld fsternfeld at fredsternfeld.com
Tue Nov 6 12:33:02 PST 2001

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Some AOL members did not receive this when I sent it this morning. If you
did get it, sorry for the repeat......


Some AOL members have not been receiving all of the postings from NEohioPAL
the last few weeks.

Postings that I know didn't reach everyone were:  1) Scott Spence's posting
about Beck's auditions for "Proposals" (His second posting on that made it
to everyone)   2) A posting I sent yesterday announcing the cast of
"Saturday Night" (Many of you got this posting twice, but AOL members didn't
get it at all)  3)  Another posting announcing more auditions for several
roles in "Saturday Night."
I am trying to resolve this problem with AOL tech support. They have told me
they need time to investigate and will get back to me with an answer within
24-48 hours.

In the meantime you can check the  NEohioPAL Archives  to make sure you are
seeing all postings.

I will update you on my progress to resolve this situation.

Warm Regards,
Fred Sternfeld

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<DIV><SPAN class=3D780292418-06112001><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

size=3D4><STRONG>Some AOL members did not receive this when I sent it =
morning. If you did get it, sorry for the=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D780292418-06112001></SPAN><SPAN =
face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D780292418-06112001><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

size=3D2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
class=3D780292418-06112001> </SPAN><STRONG>Hi<BR><BR></STRONG><SPAN =

class=3D780292418-06112001><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#000000=20
members have=20
not been receiving</STRONG> <STRONG>all</STRONG><SPAN=20
class=3D780292418-06112001><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#000000 size=3D3><STRONG> of =
</FONT></SPAN><STRONG>postings from NEohioPAL the last few=20
weeks. <BR><BR>Postings that I know didn't reach everyone =
were:  1)=20
Scott Spence's posting about Beck's auditions for "Proposals" (His =
posting on that made it to everyone)   2) A posting I sent =
announcing the cast of "Saturday Night" (Many of you got this posting =
twice, but=20
AOL members didn't get it at all)  3)  Another posting =
more auditions for several roles in "Saturday Night."</STRONG></DIV>
<P><STRONG>I am trying to resolve this problem with AOL tech support. =
They have=20
told me they need time to investigate and will get back to me with an =
within 24-48 hours.<BR><BR>In the meantime you can check the  =
Archives </STRONG></A><STRONG> to make sure you are seeing all=20
postings.<BR><BR>I will update you on my progress to resolve this=20
situation.<BR><BR>Warm Regards,<BR>Fred Sternfeld</STRONG> =


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