[NEohioPAL]Casting - One (1) female Caucasian (20 to 30) / 3 Males - 10/27 from 1 to 5 PM

Ray Szuch ray at worldeonline.com
Thu Oct 24 12:52:09 PDT 2002


Three (3) male AFRICAN-AMERICAN actors, hungry and intense,  rapper type
20-30 yrs old, for gangsta leader, gangsta 1st lt. and gangsta outsider
feature roles. One (1) female Caucasian actress, sensual and attractive,
20-28yrs old, for girlfriend role in horror movie, "burial .45".  At NCCC,
Sun. 10/27 from 1 to 5 PM

The Project Title: "burial .45"

Writer/Director: Bruce McCarthy ("Micromini Kids", "Casper/Magical
Friendship" & "Addams Family Reunion")

Producer:  Carl Palmer (Emmy Award & Telly Award)

Production Company:  Wild Life Media
                                  Uniontown, Ohio

Casting:  Four African American male actors, age 20-30, in following roles:
                    1]. GANGSTA LEADER
                    2]. GANGSTA 1ST LT.
                    3]. GANGSTA MUSCLE
                    4]. GANGSTA OUTSIDER [COLLEGE BOY]

Terms:  Deferred with small stipend, meals and video tape copy

Shooting schedule:  Late October-early November, approximately 10-12 days

Synopsis:  A hybrid cross between "Boyz n the Hood" and "Blair Witch
Project",  "burial .45"  is an unconventional horror film surrounding the
events of three tight gangstas members and their outsider college friend who
abduct and interrogate a rogue white drug dealer for owed money, cruelly
killing him in the process.
Burying the body in the woods outside of town, they are forced to go back to
the dumping ground weeks later to retrieve the bank "lock box key" on the
dealer's body. Marooned in the wilderness, the gangsta crew try to call for
backup. As their cell phone slowly dies, so does their chances for getting
out alive. One by one they come in contact with a different kind of evil,
one that doesn't have a preference, one that doesn't have a face...

I look forward to speaking to you soon....

Bruce McCarthy

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