[NEohioPAL]Looking for your arts news

BurnsET at aol.com BurnsET at aol.com
Tue Feb 11 12:24:26 PST 2003

Thanks to everyone who applied to be a featured artist on ARTScleveland.com, I am keeping them all on file and will be choosing a new featured artist periodically.  You will be contacted if chosen.  I also continue to accept new applications from anyone who would like to be featured on the site.  Simply email some bio information about yourself, and a photo or graphic of your work would be very helpful.  Please include your website if you have one and/or any contact information you would like to have included. artscleve at aol.com

Also, I am always looking for news stories for the site.  This is a great opportunity to promote your organization, or get your writing talents noticed.  If you have any noteworthy events or happenings to share with the local arts community, please forward them to me at artscleve at aol.com.  Reviews and commentary pieces are also welcome.

And as always, the forum is available for any other announcements and discussion, and the calendar is available for you to promote your events.  

Eileen Burns
Create.  Communicate.  Collaborate.

P.S. If you would like to be a frequent news writer, reviewer or forum moderator, contact me at artscleve at aol.com and we can discuss setting you up so you can add stories freely.

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