[NEohioPAL]Live Game Show needs Keyboard player

marc jaffe marcjaffe at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 4 23:49:12 PST 2003

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We are looking for someone to play keyboard for a live game show to be regularly performed Monday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 at Pickwick & Frolic downtown beginning March 24. The show is called Bonk and is part real game show, part game show spoof. The musician would be needed to improvise along with the show and react to contestants, audience members etc. Also possibly to write a theme song and do background for commercial parodies and who knows what else - Lots of creative freedom. Contact Marc Jaffe at marcjaffe at sbcglobal.com 

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<P>We are looking for someone to play keyboard for a live game show to be regularly performed Monday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 at Pickwick & Frolic downtown beginning March 24. The show is called Bonk and is part real game show, part game show spoof. The musician would be needed to improvise along with the show and react to contestants, audience members etc. Also possibly to write a theme song and do background for commercial parodies and who knows what else - Lots of creative freedom. Contact Marc Jaffe at <A href="mailto:marcjaffe at sbcglobal.com">marcjaffe at sbcglobal.com</A> </P><BR><BR><BR>Marc

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