[NEohioPAL]Auditions: ActorsCoach Productions "Nine-Twelve"

David Lemoyne learn2act at email.com
Wed Apr 9 13:51:41 PDT 2003

Currently accepting submissions for the short film "Nine-Twelve"

Nine-Twelve is a story about a married couple dealing with the effects of the September 11th tragedy. Michael, the husband, is in a special forces unit of the United States Army. He is awaiting orders to report to duty in response of the attacks. Jessica, his wife, does not want him to go. She has a problem with him constantly being called on these secret missions and his reluctance to tell her anything about his job.

Our intent is to shoot sometime in early May. It will be a one, maybe two, day shoot. There is no pay, but copy, meals, and gas expenses will be provided. 

The deadline for submissions to The Cleveland Film Festival is June 1st. We will be working double-time to finsih this project in time.

The role of Mchael has been cast, but we are still seeking a Jessica. If you have an age range between 23 and 33, please forward a headshot and resume to us. Although we prefer email submissions, you can also snail mail to: 
ActorsCoach Productions
5266 Grafton Road
Suite 1B
Brunswick, Ohio 44212

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any specific questions, please call 330-273-6223 (local from Cleveland).


David Lemoyne
Managing Director
ActorsCoach Productions
Learn2Act at Email.com

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