[NEohioPAL]Comedy Writer

Shawn Paul comedywriter719 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 12 17:51:02 PDT 2003

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Do you have a premise that you find funny are having trouble writing I can help, if you are a comedian or just anybody that needs something funny I guarantee that I will have something for you, I work for basic+ly free if you like what I give you can pay me what you feel his fair, if you do not like it do not pay anything. Pretty fair is it not. Please Email me at comedywriter719 at yahoo.com or call me at 216- 322-0858

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<DIV>Do you have a premise that you find funny are having trouble writing I can help, if you are a comedian or just anybody that needs something funny I guarantee that I will have something for you, I work for basic+ly free if you like what I give you can pay me what you feel his fair, if you do not like it do not pay anything. Pretty fair is it not. Please Email me at <A href="mailto:comedywriter719 at yahoo.com">comedywriter719 at yahoo.com</A> or call me at 216- 322-0858</DIV></DIV></DIV><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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