[NEohioPAL]Film audition on 10/11 - 6 to 9 PM for "Grave Tales"

WEO ray at worldeonline.com
Mon Sep 29 12:36:58 PDT 2003

Auditions (open to public)=0D
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11TH, 2003 (6 to 9 PM) at NCCC=0D
4913 Storer Ave. Cleve., OH 44102=0D
|Adult content / Adult language (18 and over)=0D
Head-2-Head Productions GRAVE TALES.=0D
Grave tales: Crimes of the Eternal Heart=0D
Jonah: late twenties-40 male somewhat built thief and a killer=0D
somewhat dimwitted must be able to show many emotions including fear,ange=
frustration,and cry. Also be witty at times.=0D
Julius: 30-40 male good looking charming must be able to show anger one=0D
moment and calm the next.He must be able to die in pain as he will have a=
knife stuck into his chest.=0D
Sal: 20-40 male no to bright very agitated comic relief=0D
Cleo: 21 and over very sensual,sexy, erotic, extremely violent one moment=
sweet and innocent the next. Al so show fright,and anger. Partial to full=
nudity (this is negotiable)=0D
Security guard 21 and over male. No speaking roles but is tortured. Gagge=
and tied also.=0D
Grave tales " Dinner With Death" - An elderly couple

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