[NEohioPAL]Public Funding for the Arts and Economic Development

Kevin Cronin bodwin_theatre_company at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 2 22:00:57 PST 2004

List: Over recent months, you've heard a bit about an arts levy for Cuyahoga 
County.  I'd like to share some information and urge your support on March 
2nd.  It can be a bit confusing because when you read the ballot on Election 
Day, it won’t say “arts and culture” anywhere, but talks in terms of 
economic development. Approval of Issue 31 is expected to raise about $21 
million/year. If you’re the average homeowner, it’s a $2/month investment in 
the future.
There are two parts to the project:
Half of the money will be used to retain jobs and attract new ones.  These 
are more traditional economic development tools, like cleaning up 
contaminated land so it can be put back into use, subsidizing loans for 
businesses seeking to expand, assisting small businesses, retraining 
workers, supporting tourist-attractive events like the Gravity Games (held 
at the park near the Rock and Roll Hall and broadcast on NBC) or the 
International Children’s Games (not freeze tag or twister – kind of like the 
Olympics, but for kids) and rehabilitating old buildings for modern needs.
The other half, about $10.5 million, will support arts and culture that have 
significant impact in the county.  Purposes will include matching dollars 
for operating support, support for individual artists as “artists in 
residence” in schools or neighborhoods, a special initiatives fund for 
collaboration on new major projects and support for arts organizations and 
other nonprofits wishing to use arts or cultural activities to strengthen 
Over the last three years, Cuyahoga County lost over 40,000 jobs, more than 
one-quarter of all the job loss in the state.   This levy is an attempt to 
do something in a new way to strengthen the Cleveland economy, while 
recognizing that arts matter.  The arts create $1.3 billion in economic 
activity and employ thousands in our county.

You can help in a number of ways:
Help raise money (Cuyahoga County Cultural Action Committee, US Bank, 1350 
Euclid Avenue, #1100, Cleveland 44115);
Forward your mail lists to the campaign (they promise strict confidentiality 
and are willing to promise in writing), so the list can be contacted by the 
campaign by phone and mail;
Volunteer your time;
Write letters to the Plain Dealer or other papers;
Take a sign for your yard;
Speak to your friends and audiences.

You are welcome to attend a campaign meeting any Thursday morning at 8:45 at 
the Cleveland Play House (8500 Euclid Avenue) to learn more and participate 
in moving NE Ohio forward.

The Issue 31 campaign Manager is the Cleveland Film Commission’s Chris 
Carmody, with the support of a variety of community and arts organizations.  
The campaign office is located at:
1400 West 25th St, 4th floor (216/931-3130) or found on the web at:  
Protect Jobs… Create Jobs... Vote for Issue 31.

Kevin Cronin
Bodwin Theatre Company

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