[NEohioPAL]CPT invites artists/collaborators for River Project

Jyana Gregory jgregory at cptonline.org
Wed Apr 7 09:37:43 PDT 2004

Cleveland Public Theatre invites members of the artistic community to a
special informational meeting on April 19, 2004 about a multi-disciplinary
project to take place on the Cuyahoga River on August 6, 2005.

"Crooked (S)mile: The Mouth of the Cuyahoga" is a vast exploration and
re-discovery of the heart of our city -- a theatrical view from dozens of
artistic perspectives which will bring the audience down to the shores and
onto the surface of this greatest of "man-made" rivers.   The past, present,
and future of our common waterway (and what lies beneath it) will be the
core of this event, as the audience explores the river from three thematic
angles:  Edges, Gorges, and Bridges. How does the Cuyahoga divide us as it
brings us together?  Why is the gulf between East Side and West Side so much
wider than the water that separates us?  From the glaciers thousands of
years ago carving out the valley itself, to the women and men working today
at 1100 Terminal Tower, coordinating the hundreds of ships passing through
this water, we plan to use locations from Whiskey Island to Irish Town Bend
and beyond Marathon Bend to tell a story.   Over the course of one
afternoon, groups of artists from many different disciplines will come
together with their fellow citizens to search for answers in a body of water
more ancient than any of us, yet as new as the currents flowing past us at
this very moment.

Crooked (S)mile is led by collaborators Robin VanLear, Eric Coble, Jyana S.
Gregory and Randy Rollison.  The team has explored a wide variety of sites
along the river and welcome proposals from local artists who wish to join in
the collaboration.  There will be an informational meeting held in CPT’s
Upstairs Theatre at 6415 Detroit Avenue at 7pm on Monday, April 19th.  The
project will be explained in further detail and proposed sites will be
discussed as well as the process for the Request for Proposals.

Please respond via email to Crooked(S)Mile at cptonline.org

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