[NEohioPAL]Michael Sepesy's Peculiar Call for Familiar Actors

msep at juno.com msep at juno.com
Sat Aug 21 16:25:25 PDT 2004

This is going to seem like a somewhat odd call for actors.

Any actors whom I have worked with in the past who
would like to work with me again for not money (or would at least
find it a bit more inviting than sitting nude on a croquet stake), and
who would
like to be a part of CPT's Pandemonium Gala Event
September 18, please e-mail me at msep at juno.com.
I have a few roles -- not huge -- that I am trying to fill.

I'm choosing this method because 

a) I don't know who's still out there,

b) it would do me no good to simply e-mail everyone I know,

c) I need people who can commit to the show with foreknowledge (word?)
that the roles aren't all large but you will have fun,

d) I can cast people whose work I'm already familiar
with so I don't have to hold auditions.

I should say ahead of time that I have some specific
character ideas in mind, but want to see who's available.
However, if you're not cast, please don't be offended or imagine
that I don't like your work. I'm casting in a shorthand fashion based
on type. That being said, as opposed to enumerating types I'm seeking,
once I get a sense of what types are interested in doing something
that night, I'll choose from those most suitable.

The planned sketches will be comedic with...let's say challenging
subject matter. There will be some silly costumes involved in a couple 
of them. Please specify in your e-mail if you would like to wear a silly

Thank you for your time and patience.

Mike Sepesy

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