[NEohioPAL]content of Neohiopal list

terry sandler terrysandler at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 14 13:50:05 PDT 2004

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<P>Dear Andrea,</P>
<P>After reading your letter, I feel compelled to add a little something on the matter. Mr. Sternfeld does a mitzvah (a good deed) with his free email list that consists of 3-4,000 patrons. Coming from NY, I promise that you'll never find anything quite like this in that city or other cities rich in the arts. Furthermore, I felt that the email posted about "looking for a speaker to represent a new club at Orange High School called the Gay-Straight Alliance" is an excellent opportunity for someone in the arts. Very relevant to our society. If I may proceed, Andrea, in times like these, I don't believe it's about "the arts" anymore, but more about people. People who consist of many different races, colors, sexual preferences--supporting and encouraging one another to succeed and be heard. Once you, Andrea, choose to embrace our beautiful melting pot, then you, Andrea, could think about a life in art and even better, a life onstage acting.   </P>
<P>Terry Sandler</P>
<P>   </P>
<P>From: Andrea Anelli </P>
<DIV></DIV>   To: neohiopal at lists.fredsternfeld.com 
<DIV></DIV>   Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 5:53 PM 
<DIV></DIV>   Subject: [NEohioPAL]content of neohio list 
<DIV></DIV>   Dear Mr.Sternfeld, 
<DIV></DIV>          I was originally very impressed with the neohio Pal list.  It was an important source for auditin notices.However, I've been frustrated with all the "filler"; most recently, the Sept.10 notice looking for a speaker for a new club at Orange High School called the Gay-Straight Alliance.What does this have to do with theatre?  I'm well aware of the diversity within the arts community, but I don't believe your list needs to be the"bulletin board" for this cause.  Can we stick to notices involving acting jobs?  I for one, would really appreciate it. 
<DIV></DIV>                              Sincerely, 
<DIV></DIV>                               Andrea Anelli 
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