[NEohioPAL]Illstyle's end of the year performance dates.

Forrest Webb getemgump at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 25 16:38:17 PDT 2004

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<P>Here are some of the remaining 2004 performance dates for Illstyle:</P>
<P>For more info check out <A href="http://www.illstylerockers.net">www.illstylerockers.net</A> or <A href="http://www.pentacle.org">www.pentacle.org</A></P>
<P>October 7, 2004, Concord Academy, Concord, MA   <STRONG>Performance, Lec-Dem, Master-class</STRONG></P>
<P>October 17, 2004 Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN  <STRONG>Performance</STRONG> </P>
<P>October 26, 2004 Clark State PAC, Springfield, Ohio <STRONG>9pm Performance</STRONG></P>
<P>November 18-21, Palace of the Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA <STRONG>Performance </STRONG></P>
<P>December 3-5, Dance Place, Washington DC  <STRONG>Performance</STRONG></P>
<P>Illstyle and Peace Productions is a member of Pentacle (DanceWorks, Inc.) a non-profit service organization for the performing arts.  Mara Greenberg and Ivan Sygoda, Directors.  246 West 38th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018  Tel 212-278-8111: Fax (212) 278-8555</P>
<P>For booking information, contact Sophie Myrtil, at the above address and number, extension 313.  </P></DIV></div></html>

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