[NEohioPAL]Weighing in

Evie Morris bachtobroadway42 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 6 08:09:08 PST 2004

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Evie Morris <bachtobroadway42 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:I appreciate the expression of so many thoughts and feelings. They made me realize that I had gone from denial to acceptance without acknowledging my own feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness. but now that I have visited and given voice to THOSE feelings, I am coming out of my funk and will share some of my thoughts and feelings as well.
  Yes, George Bush is a puppet-lightweight, put in place by Carl Rove and a small powerful group who have an evangelical and fundamentalist agenda for the US and anywhere else they can flex their muscle. The good news for me is that I have learned in the past for years to ignore and tune out his annoying voice and banal banter.
   In the process of doing that I have asked myself is that a cop out, am I giving up, am I punking out? The resounding answer is NO! NO! NO! My choice is to rest up, reflect and redirect my energy into what I believe is positive, good and powerful. And what is that?
  LOOK WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED HERE in the past year. With the help of the internet, moveon.org, moveon.pac, the Kerry-Edwards campaign,etc. and everyone of YOU multiplied by millions, we have a broad-based movement that has articulated what it wants for America and the rest of the world. I could list all the issues and miss many, but it all boils down to fairness, equality, respect and personal value.
  Pick one of these issues, i.e. the war in Iraq and you have a viable political movement and outlet for real values and feelings.
  People were protesting this illegal, IMMORAL war which is affecting innocent people before one bomb was dropped. Well, now, that Bush has his "political capital" he is going to spend it, and he is doing that at this moemnt, by bombing the hell out of Fallujah, even though there are still approximately 60,000 civilians who did not flee the city. The losses will be huge on both sides.
     But we, the disenfranchised voters, who did not elect Bush and DO NOT support his war, are in touch, organized and ready to respond. All we need is ONE of those organizations or ONE strong leader to call for a mobilzation against the war and the movement will begin, unfortunately AGAIN, but at least these months of trying to win this election have not been in vain. They have formed alliances, new friendships, communication....we KNOW who we are and "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!"
    Do not GIVE up! Do not attack one another, i.e. college students, as to how many voted or did not. That is a total waste of time and energy and the quickest way to lose the momentum we have. Dr. King spent years patiently speaking his truth, because he knew that social justice was a CORRECT position for the betterment of humankind.WE know that John Kerry was a better cadidate and had a real vision for a better America. Those ideals and visions did not lose the election. Those ideals and vision are the basis for what we need to build upon.
  I am not afraid of Bush or evangelicals or terrorists. I know there will be a time and place for me to die. That doesn't concern me. What concerns me now is the QUALITY of life that I live every day. Do I have the energy and the courage to speak for justice, to sing for compassion, to walk the walk and talk the talk. 
  May the Great Spirit that flows through every person on this planet ( in my humble opinion) give us the courage, energy and strength that we need to move forward and CARRY IT ON!      ( Whew 10:59)                              Shalom & love,  Ebie Morris

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<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>Evie Morris <bachtobroadway42 at sbcglobal.net></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<DIV>I appreciate the expression of so many thoughts and feelings. They made me realize that I had gone from denial to acceptance without acknowledging my own feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness. but now that I have visited and given voice to THOSE feelings, I am coming out of my funk and will share some of my thoughts and feelings as well.</DIV>
<DIV>  Yes, George Bush is a puppet-lightweight, put in place by Carl Rove and a small powerful group who have an evangelical and fundamentalist agenda for the US and anywhere else they can flex their muscle. The good news for me is that I have learned in the past for years to ignore and tune out his annoying voice and banal banter.</DIV>
<DIV>   In the process of doing that I have asked myself is that a cop out, am I giving up, am I punking out? The resounding answer is NO! NO! NO! My choice is to rest up, reflect and redirect my energy into what I believe is positive, good and powerful. And what is that?</DIV>
<DIV>  LOOK WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED HERE in the past year. With the help of the internet, moveon.org, moveon.pac, the Kerry-Edwards campaign,etc. and everyone of YOU multiplied by millions, we have a broad-based movement that has articulated what it wants for America and the rest of the world. I could list all the issues and miss many, but it all boils down to fairness, equality, respect and personal value.</DIV>
<DIV>  Pick one of these issues, i.e. the war in Iraq and you have a viable political movement and outlet for real values and feelings.</DIV>
<DIV>  People were protesting this illegal, IMMORAL war which is affecting innocent people before one bomb was dropped. Well, now, that Bush has his "political capital" he is going to spend it, and he is doing that at this moemnt, by bombing the hell out of Fallujah, even though there are still approximately 60,000 civilians who did not flee the city. The losses will be huge on both sides.</DIV>
<DIV>     But we, the disenfranchised voters, who did not elect Bush and DO NOT support his war, are in touch, organized and ready to respond. All we need is ONE of those organizations or ONE strong leader to call for a mobilzation against the war and the movement will begin, unfortunately AGAIN, but at least these months of trying to win this election have not been in vain. They have formed alliances, new friendships, communication....we KNOW who we are and "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!"</DIV>
<DIV>    Do not GIVE up! Do not attack one another, i.e. college students, as to how many voted or did not. That is a total waste of time and energy and the quickest way to lose the momentum we have. Dr. King spent years patiently speaking his truth, because he knew that social justice was a CORRECT position for the betterment of humankind.WE know that John Kerry was a better cadidate and had a real vision for a better America. Those ideals and visions did not lose the election. Those ideals and vision are the basis for what we need to build upon.</DIV>
<DIV>  I am not afraid of Bush or evangelicals or terrorists. I know there will be a time and place for me to die. That doesn't concern me. What concerns me now is the QUALITY of life that I live every day. Do I have the energy and the courage to speak for justice, to sing for compassion, to walk the walk and talk the talk. </DIV>
<DIV>  May the Great Spirit that flows through every person on this planet ( in my humble opinion) give us the courage, energy and strength that we need to move forward and CARRY IT ON!      ( Whew 10:59)                              Shalom & love,  Ebie Morris</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
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