[NEohioPAL]Girls/ladies needed for east side co-ed softball league

Daniela Mangialardo dmangialardo at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 10 19:30:03 PDT 2005

Hi everyone,

My name is Daniela and I'm an actress in Cleveland.
I'm managing a co-ed softball team in the City of
Wickliffe on the east side, and we are in need of 2-3
girls or ladies age 18 or older to play. It is an 11
week season not including the playoffs. There would be
one game per week and it would be on either Mondays or
Wednesday evenings at either 6:00pm or 7:00pm. The
schedule is being made and we will know exact game
days and times soon. The season starts May 9th and we
would like to get a couple practices arranged before
the first game. We currently have 2 females (including
myself). It will cost about $20 per player to help pay
for shirts. Sponsors are paying for league fees and
umpire fees. The main focus will be to have fun, but
we'd still like to be competitive too.

If you or anyone you know would like to play, or would
like more info, please email me at
dmangialardo at yahoo.com or call my cell at 440-840-2442
as soon as possible.

Daniela Mangialardo 

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