[NEohioPAL]Join the Parade: Create moveable art, dance w/ guest artitsts from Puerto Rico

Chloë Hopson chloe at passportproject.org
Sun May 15 17:50:42 PDT 2005

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The Passport Project Global Community Arts Center host two artists from
Puerto Rico in a fun residency that culminates in Parade the Circle
Parade the Circle Celebration: the cleveland museum of art and
university circle's wonderful community event.

Pedro Adorno and Cathy Vigo, guest artists from Puerto Rico, will be in
residence at the Passport Project Global Community Arts Center for five
weeks, May 16 though June 10. They will lead children and adults in
creating exciting costumes, headpieces, masks and other moveable art for
Parade the Circle Celebration, the community arts event of the Cleveland
Museum of Art & University Circle Incorporated, which takes place on
Saturday, June 11.=20

May 16 through June 10, Mondays and Wednesdays: 3:30-5:15

and Fridays June 3 and 10, 3:30-5:15

and June 11, 10:45AM-1:30PM

Parade the Circle is on Saturday, June 11, at Wade Oval, which is
located in University Circle by the Cleveland Museum of Art. The Parade
kicks off at Noon.=20

Materials Fee: $25 per person. This includes the $5 registration fee for
participation in the parade.

Children and adults are welcome to participate in the workshops, and a
commitment to participate in Parade the Circle Celebration on Saturday,
June 11 is required (though waved if due to religious or health
considerations). Children 7 and under must be accompanied by a
registered adult.

Register online at www.passportproject.org or on site. For information
on registration, please e-mail us at info at passportproject.org, or call
(216) 721-1055.=20

Location of residency:

Passport Project Global Community Arts Center

12801 Buckeye Road (1 block southwest of Shaker Square)

Cleveland, Ohio 44120

(216) 721-1055

Chlo=EB  Hopson

Passport Project, Director
chloe at passportproject.org
ph:: 216.721.1055
http://passportproject.org <http://passportproject.org/>=20
Passport Project's mission is to provide exciting educational
experiences that build community through the arts, encourage respect for
diversity and rejection of racism and negative bias, and a passion for
learning and the global community.
Passport Project does multicultural programs and residencies at schools,
at its Global Community Arts Center, and for the community to further
this mission. Passport Project does diversity training in the corporate
Passport Project is a 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization that has been
planting seeds of peace and acceptance since 1998.

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<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005>The =
Project Global Community Arts Center host two artists from Puerto Rico =
in a fun=20
residency that culminates in Parade the Circle =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT size=3D4>
<P align=3Djustify><FONT color=3D#008080><FONT size=3D5>Parade the =
Celebration<SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005>: the cleveland museum of =
and  university circle's wonderful community=20
event.</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">
<P><FONT face=3DGeorgia><FONT color=3D#800000>Pedro Adorno and Cathy=20
Vigo, <SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005>guest artists from Puerto =
</SPAN>will be in residence at the Passport Project Global Community =
Arts Center=20
for five weeks, <B><I>May 16 though June 1<SPAN=20
class=3D536473200-16052005>0</SPAN></B></FONT></FONT></I></FONT><FONT =
color=3D#800000>. They will lead children and adults in creating =
costumes, headpieces, masks and other moveable art for Parade the Circle =

Celebration, the community arts event of the Cleveland Museum of Art =
University Circle Incorporated, which takes place on Saturday, =
11</EM></STRONG>.</FONT><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D2> </P>
<P align=3Dleft></FONT></FONT><FONT face=3DGeorgia><FONT color=3D#008080 =
size=3D3>May 16=20
through June 10</FONT><FONT size=3D3>, Mondays and Wednesdays:=20
<P align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DGeorgia><FONT size=3D3>and </FONT><FONT =
size=3D3><STRONG>Fridays June 3 and 10</STRONG></FONT><FONT size=3D3>,=20
<P align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DGeorgia><FONT size=3D3>and </FONT><FONT =
color=3D#008080><STRONG>June 11</STRONG></FONT>, =
<P align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DGeorgia size=3D3></FONT></P>
<P align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DGeorgia size=3D3>Parade the Circle is on=20
<STRONG>Saturday, June 11</STRONG>, at Wade Oval, which is located in =
Circle by the Cleveland Museum of Art.</FONT><FONT size=3D4> <SPAN=20
class=3D536473200-16052005><FONT face=3DGeorgia size=3D3>The Parade =
kicks off at Noon.=20
<P align=3Dleft></P></FONT>
<P align=3Dleft><FONT size=3D4><FONT color=3D#000080><SPAN=20
class=3D536473200-16052005>Materials </SPAN>Fee</FONT>: $25 per person. =
includes the $5 registration fee for participation in the =
<P align=3Dleft><FONT size=3D4></FONT></P>
<P align=3Dleft><FONT size=3D3>Children and <SPAN=20
class=3D536473200-16052005>adults</SPAN> are welcome to participate in =
workshops, and a commitment to participate in Parade the Circle =
Celebration on=20
Saturday, June 11 is required (though waved if due to religious or =
considerations). Children 7 and under must be accompanied by a =
<P align=3Dleft><FONT size=3D4></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3D4><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005>Register online at <A =

href=3D"http://www.passportproject.org">www.passportproject.org</A> or =
on site.=20
</SPAN>For information on registration, please e-mail us at <FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">info at passportproject.org</FONT><FONT =
face=3D"Avenir 45">,=20
or call (216) 721-1055. </FONT></FONT></P>
<P align=3Dleft><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005><FONT face=3DVerdana=20
color=3D#008080><STRONG>Location of =
<P align=3Dleft><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005><FONT face=3DVerdana=20
color=3D#008080><STRONG>Passport Project Global Community Arts=20
<P align=3Dleft><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005><FONT face=3DVerdana=20
color=3D#008080><STRONG>12801 Buckeye Road (1 block southwest of Shaker=20
<P align=3Dleft><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005><FONT face=3DVerdana=20
color=3D#008080><STRONG>Cleveland, Ohio 44120</STRONG></FONT></SPAN></P>
<P align=3Dleft><SPAN class=3D536473200-16052005><FONT face=3DVerdana=20
color=3D#008080><STRONG>(216) 721-1055</STRONG></FONT></SPAN></P>
<P></FONT><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2><STRONG>Chlo=EB =20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Passport Project, =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
href=3D"mailto:chloe at passportproject.org">chloe at passportproject.org</A></=
<DIV><FONT face=3DGeorgia size=3D2>ph:: 216.721.1055</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#008080 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#408080 size=3D1>Passport Project's =
mission is to=20
provide exciting educational experiences that build community through =
the arts,=20
encourage respect for diversity and rejection of racism and negative =
bias, and a=20
passion for learning and the global community.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#800080 size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#8080c0 size=3D1>Passport=20
Project does multicultural programs and residencies at =
at its Global Community Arts Center, and for the community to further =
mission. Passport Project does diversity training in the corporate=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#800080 size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DVerdana color=3D#800080 size=3D1>Passport Project is a =
501 (c) 3,=20
non-profit organization that has been planting seeds of peace and =
since 1998.</FONT></DIV>


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