[NEohioPAL]Looking for Summer Work

Brett Parr footloose42000 at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 13:50:56 PDT 2005

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I am 14 years old, and I live in Canton. I am trying to find work to do this summer. I would like to work for a theater, helping them out in any way, but any job would be nice. I also have a nice resume....visit www.brettparr.4t.com for more information. I am also certified in First Aid if that helps. I am willing to listen to your offers, if any. Please help me find a summer job. To email me, email me at footloose42000 at yahoo.com. Thank you.
Brett Parr
footloose42000 at yahoo.com

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<DIV><STRONG>I am 14 years old, and I live in Canton. I am trying to find work to do this summer. I would like to work for a theater, helping them out in any way, but any job would be nice. I also have a nice resume....visit <A href="http://www.brettparr.4t.com">www.brettparr.4t.com</A> for more information. I am also certified in First Aid if that helps. I am willing to listen to your offers, if any. Please help me find a summer job. To email me, email me at <A href="mailto:footloose42000 at yahoo.com">footloose42000 at yahoo.com</A>. Thank you.</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><A href="mailto:footloose42000 at yahoo.com">footloose42000 at yahoo.com</A></STRONG></DIV>

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