[NEohioPAL]A Courteous Request

Anastasjoy at aol.com Anastasjoy at aol.com
Wed Feb 1 15:33:06 PST 2006

In a message dated 2/1/06 3:03:22 PM, rslotterbeck at hotmail.com writes:

<< I do understand that when you are trying to get your notice... well, 
NOTICED, making it as visually exciting as possible is very important to you. I 
would like to ask a small favor for future postings. Please be aware that many 
(Okay, several... maybe even just a few) of us have opted to receive this list 
as a journal in mime format - generally for time management reasons or due to 
mailbox size restrictions. When a notice is posted with visual enhancements - 
specifically a background color, that setting frequently remains the default 
setting for the rest of that list.  >>

Thanks, Tyson. I'd like to just add that Fred says "no attachments" for a 
reason. Because of the OS  I have and my ISP, they take forever to open and once 
opened, I can't see your pretty graphic anyway. I go down my NeoPAL emails and 
I delete anything that comes with an attachment. Please save the colorful 
artwork for your show's promotional poster and just use this email newsletter to 
convey information, ok? Thanks!

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