mary slowey mslowey at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 06:45:57 PST 2006

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  1371 Clague Road
  Westlake, OH 44145
  Phone: 440-331-0403
  Director Ron Newell is still in need of a male actor who has some basic tap training for the role of Geoffrey in Stepping Out, by Richard Harris, and is now looking for a female actor in her 20's for the role of Lynne  in the production.
  This is a comedy about a group of misfits trying to learn a tap-dance routine for a benefit performance.
  Rehearsals have begun.  Performance dates are April 21 - May 14, 2006
  If you have an interest, please call Bernice Bolek, Production Manager at 440-331-8497

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<div align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>CLAGUE PLAYHOUSE</STRONG></FONT></div>  <div align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>1371 Clague Road</STRONG></FONT></div>  <div align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>Westlake, OH 44145</STRONG></FONT></div>  <div align=center><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>Phone: 440-331-0403</STRONG></FONT></div>  <div align=center><A href="http://www.clagueplayhouse.org"><FONT face="comic sans ms"><STRONG>www.clagueplayhouse.org</STRONG></FONT></A></div>  <div> </div>  <div>Director <STRONG>Ron Newell</STRONG> is still in need of a male actor who has some basic tap training for the role of <STRONG>Geoffrey</STRONG> in <STRONG><EM>Stepping Out</EM></STRONG>, by Richard Harris, and is now looking for a female actor in her 20's for the role of <STRONG>Lynne </STRONG> in the production.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>This is a comedy about a group of misfits trying to learn a tap-dance routine for a
 benefit performance.</div>  <div> </div>  <div>Rehearsals have begun.  Performance dates are April 21 - May 14, 2006</div>  <div> </div>  <div>If you have an interest, please call <STRONG>Bernice Bolek, Production Manager at 440-331-8497</STRONG></div>

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