[NEOPAL]Dissolving, No. Declining, Yes...Research says...

Chase Horn horn at cfnpe.org
Thu Apr 6 16:48:16 PDT 2006

Dear Artists, Arts Administrators, Executives and Funders:
I am glad to hear everyone has taken notice and shown their interest in =
the topic of the local arts culture.  As an artist and a staff member at =
the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, I have been researching ways to =
assist the nonprofit arts community in maximizing quality outputs.
First, a CPAC study I was just reading from 2002-2003 (but do not have =
in front of me, so excuse me as a paraphrase) showed that the attendance =
and participation in the arts had declined.  Unfortunately, it appears =
this trend is continuing.  There are many reasons for this dealing with =
our audience demographics.  What I call a metro-artistic trend is =
showing significant impact.  (This is the idea that as one travels away =
from larger metropolitan areas, the preference for art for =
entertainment/commercial art grows stronger than the need for personal =
enrichment.  * Please Note: This is a mere observation of statistical =
data, not a personal opinion).  In addition, funding and organizational =
efficiency surely have an effect on the dynamic of the community.  =
Finally, the cultural aspects of instilling the value of art in our =
children through the funding of arts programs in public/private schools =
also is influential.
Luckily, as a part of my thesis for the MA Arts Administration program =
and demographic research for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, I will =
be looking to hold focus groups (dynamic dependent on participant =
response and statistical sampling practices) on our perceptions and =
value-offerings of these arts organizations.  The CPAC Study of =
2002-2003 offers great insight into the audience perception, culture of =
arts organizations.  Now, I'm looking to hear from the =
administration/executives, funders and the artists.
The purpose of this effort is to get a comprehensive idea from the arts =
community on our perceptions and values in order to find out how we can =
offer our audiences/participants the most satisfying art for their =
money, encourage the culture for participation in the arts, and educate =
ourselves on sound practices and governance to make the most of the =
limited funds we have.
If you'd like to be included in the study please reply with the =
following information.
Organizational affiliation (501(c)(3) tax-exempt)
Position (Please specify as Artist, Administrative Position, Funders)
*If you'd like to include current issues that I can compile for further =
research, that would be appreciated!
**Also, if you are an arts COLLABORATOR, or an organization that is =
working with another organization somehow to provide services, that =
information is of great interest, as well. =20
Surely, there are many reasons why the cultural landscape is changing =
and if you'd like to discuss any of these in greater detail you can =
contact me via email or by phone at the Center for Nonprofit Excellence. =
 I hope we can all come together, focus our thoughts/ concerns and come =
away from these issues with some plan for improvement.  Until then, keep =
working to achieve your artistic goals!=20
Art, whether for entertainment, education, or self-actualization is =
VALUABLE to the community at large!!!!!!!!=20
Thank you,
Chase A. Horn
Center for Nonprofit Excellence

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