[NEOPAL]Critics' Praises for Poona

csimon at convergence-continuum.org csimon at convergence-continuum.org
Thu Apr 27 08:57:44 PDT 2006

Here’s what reviewers are saying about Poona the F#$%dog and Other Plays
for Children, convergence-continuum’s current production, now onstage at
the Liminis:

“Inventive, risque production … shocked and titillated and entertained
utterly.”  “The 11 performers enliven this enchanted (and twisted) forest
with enough weirdos to overpopulate the Old Woman's spike-heeled shoe.” 
(Tony Brown, Plain Dealer)

“Poona’s sendup of fairy tales harvests plenty of laughs.” ”An irreverent
romp that bulldozes subtlety into a ditch and goes careening on its merry
way.” (Christine Howey, Scene)

“an adept form of anarchy” “madcap, whirling-dervish style” (Keith A.
Joseph, Free Times).

To read the full reviews, click on the following links:


Poona runs Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm through May 13 at the
Liminis, 2438 Scranton Rd. in Cleveland's Tremont neighborhood.  Tickets
are $12 general admission, $9 for students and seniors (65+).  For
reservations call 216-687-0074 or on the web at
http://convergence-continuum.org.  Seating is limited and we have been
selling out, so make reservations soon!

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