[NEohioPAL]Casting Call Reminder

Donald Gregory donegreg at pizzathemovie.com
Tue Jun 13 17:37:56 PDT 2006




Day Rate is $75 minimum

Location: Cleveland

Twelve shooting days over a period of two weeks at the end of August



Casting Director: MAUREEN DEMPSEY

Casting Phone: 440-313-8326

Open Audition

Audition Dates and Times: June 24 from 9:30am to 2pm and June 27 from 
1pm to 5:30pm

Audition Location: Lakewood Library – the auditorium in the basement – 
15425 Detroit Rd. Lakewood, OH

Actors and actresses interested must bring a recent head shot and a 
resume to the auditions. Sides and information are available at 
_www.pinkcatproductions.com <http://www.pinkcatproductions.com/>_

The makers of PIZZA: The Movie are holding an open audition for their 
next film entitled 'Survival' This will be director Donald Gregory's 
second film.


Twelve men and women, selected to be on a knock off reality show, 
discover it's more than they bargained for when their fellow contestants 
start to disappear and show up dead. Is the killer among them, is it all 
part of the show, or is it something else entirely? They must learn to 
trust each other and work together if any of them are to survive.

This is a nonunion paid gig. Actors and actresses will receive a minimum 
of $75 per day. Many of the roles are physically demanding. There is 
adult language, themes, and a few of the female roles require partial 
nudity for brief scenes.


*Damarius* - (late 20s to late 30s male), African American, any body 
type, gangster rapper mentality.
*Larry* - (late 20s male), Caucasian, overweight, socially inept.
*Jared -* (20s to 30s male), any ethnicity, slim, gay, thespian.
*Matt* - (20s male), Caucasian, well built, athletic, achiever.
*Brett* - (20s to 30s male), any ethnicity, any body type, arrogant, smarmy.
*Dakota *- (20s female), Caucasian, model, very thin, low self image
*Shannon* - (20s female), any ethnicity, thin to average body type, 
actress, confident and calm
*Madison* - (20s female), any ethnicity, cold, bitter, men issues.
*Bailey* - (20s female), any ethnicity, actress, seductive, blunt, type 
A personality
*Abbey* -(late teens to early 20s female), any ethnicity, average body 
type, aspiring pop singer, young, optimistic, naive
*Lauren *- (late 20s to early 30's) any ethnicity, average body type, 
aspiring journalist, inquisitive, protective
*Paige *- (late 20s female) any ethnicity, assistant producer, 
businesslike, intelligent, capable
*Cameraman B* (male) – Caucasian, overweight, a medium-sized role 
despite the nondescript name
*Cameraman A* (male) – any ethnicity, any body type, has no lines but is 
a constant presence

*William Hung Lookalike* (or strong resemblance to the famous American 
Idol reject) for a bit part.

To schedule a specific time and for other inquiries regarding the 
casting call, please contact the casting director, Maureen Dempsey at 
440-313-8326 or fromstage2screen at yahoo.com. For all other inquiries 
regarding the movie, please contact Donald Gregory at 
survival at pizzathemovie.com.

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