[NEohioPAL]Cleveland Public Library: 24 Frames

Donald Boozer donald.boozer at cpl.org
Wed Oct 4 06:49:52 PDT 2006

This week's posting from the Literature Department at Cleveland Publi=
c Library highlights the 24 Frames series from Wallflower Press, a ne=
w series focusing on national and regional cinema.
The Literature Department is located on the second floor of the Main =
Library, downtown Cleveland, at East Sixth Street and Superior Avenue=
. Click on the link provided to access the library=92s catalog to res=
erve any of these titles. For more information, visit our location, c=
all 216-623-2881, or email us at =93literature <at> cpl.org.=94

The Cinema of Scandinavia.
Edited by Tytti Soila.
London: Wallflower Press, 2005.
(PN1993.5.S2 C564 2005)
"The Cinema of Scandinavia focuses on 24 key films from...Denmark, Sw=
eden, Norway, and Finland. Each national cinema is able to boast dire=
ctors of worldwide renown, such as Ingmar Bergman, Carl Theodor Dreye=
r....and more contemporary filmmakers." -- from the back cover

The Cinema of Spain and Portugal.
Edited by Alberto Mira.
London: Wallflower Press, 2005.
(PN1993.5.S7 C545 2005)
"The Cinema of Spain and Portugal is a fresh, concise and wide-rangin=
g introduction to and overview of Spanish and Portuguese cinema. This=
 volume contains 24 essays, each on a separate seminal film from the =
Iberian peninsula." -- from the back cover

The Cinema of The Low Countries.
Edited by Ernest Mathijs.
London: Wallflower Press, 2004.
(PN1993.5.B425 C56 2004)
"Like everything in the Low Countries, this volume is a compromise. I=
n compiling it, a careful balance between nations, languages, periods=
, styles and influences had to be taken into account. The result is t=
hat this book presents twelve Dutch, eleven Belgian (three explicitly=
 described as Flemish, two as Walloon - most referring to both langua=
ge communities) and one Luxembourgish film; in six languages (Dutch/F=
lemish, French, English, L=EBtzebuergesch, Yiddish and German); from =
1914 to 1999 (encapsulating the twentieth century)." -- from the edit=
or's Introduction.

Remember, books highlighted here can be borrowed through any CLEVNET =
library with the touch of a button. Whether you're from Shaker Height=
s, Cleveland, Peninsula, or Twinsburg, just place a hold through the =
link provided and choose your library as the pickup location.
Donald Boozer, Literature Department
Cleveland Public Library
325 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114
donald.boozer at cpl.org
216-623-2881 / 216-623-7050 (fax)

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