[NEohioPAL]Matt Murphy/Jami Ross song on MTV's Laguna Beach Wed 11/8

murphygopal at aol.com murphygopal at aol.com
Tue Nov 7 09:15:39 PST 2006

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Tomorrow night (Wed, November 8th) A song written by Matthew J Murphy called "Confused" performed by Jami Ross will be on MTV's Laguna Beach during the 10:30-11PM EPISODE. 
They have used a verse/chorus of the song.There is a possiblitly they could use more songs in the future as they are very impressed with Jami and the songs.
For those of you who have not heard the tracks you can go to www.myspace.com/jamiross
Matthew James Murphy performed on Broadway in the show RENT for 3 years. He has been back in Cleveland the past few years teaching guitar/piano lessons and developing young talent. For more information about lessons contact Matthew at Murphygopal at aol.com
Peace & Lov
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<div>Hey EVERYONE,


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<div>Tomorrow night <STRONG>(Wed, November 8th)</STRONG> A song written by <STRONG>Matthew J Murphy called</STRONG> <STRONG>"Confused"</STRONG> performed by <SPAN id=cr-0></SPAN><STRONG><SPAN id=sp-0 title="Click here to replace with: 
Jam, Jams, Jaime, Janis, James, Jails, Jammed" style="BACKGROUND: url(http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/21462/aol/en-us/images/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000">Jami</SPAN> Ross</STRONG> will be on <SPAN id=cr-1></SPAN><STRONG><SPAN id=sp-1 title="No spelling suggestions" style="BACKGROUND: url(http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/21462/aol/en-us/images/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000">MTV's</SPAN> Laguna Beach</STRONG> during the <STRONG>10:30-11PM </STRONG><STRONG>EPISODE</STRONG>. </div>

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<div>They have used a verse/chorus of the song.There is a possiblitly they could use more songs in the future as they are very impressed with Jami and the songs.</div>

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<div>For those of you who have not heard the tracks you can go to <A href="http://www.myspace.com/jamiross">www.myspace.com/jamiross</A></div>

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<div><STRONG><FONT size=1></FONT></STRONG> </div>

<div><STRONG>Matthew James Murphy performed on Broadway in the show RENT for 3 years. He has been back in Cleveland the past few years teaching guitar/piano lessons and developing young talent. For more information about lessons contact Matthew at <A href="mailto:Murphygopal at aol.com">Murphygopal at aol.com</A></STRONG></div>

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<div>Peace & Lov</div>

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